Top 10 Computer Courses In Demand In 2021

Nitin G
6 min readApr 14, 2021

There is hardly any job now that does not require technical proficiency. Thanks to its flexibility, you can accomplish pretty much every repetitive job with greater efficiency using a computer. From keeping track of books at a library to maintaining patients’ personal information at a clinic, you’ll be hard-pressed to find something that does not require digital literacy.

Around 80.5% of people with managerial jobs use a computer. For those engaged in the sales and marketing aspect — the number is at 70.5%. Essentially, if you are not technically adept — it might be time to invest in a computer course. Training programs do not need to be time-consuming or difficult! With the help of online courses, you can find some great instructors and follow along at your own pace.

Whether you are entirely new to computers or looking to specialise further, the current demand for technological skills makes it necessary for aspirants to upskill. Here are some of the top computer courses that you should check out!

1. Basic Computer Course

This is meant for someone who has very little knowledge about working on a computer. While most people know how to operate a computer, they might still not be familiar with its commonly used applications. This includes applications like the Office Suite and essential functions like sending and receiving emails or keeping track of employees.

Even pursuing an introductory course can make you eligible for plenty of job roles. Whether it is related to accountancy or ethical hacking — a computer is now an essential part of any office workspace. Computer operators are in high demand for different kinds of operations. Such a course can make you eligible for bookkeeping, HR, reception, and task managing jobs as well.

2. Web Designing Course

For people who have a good sense of composition, colour, and aesthetics — web designing courses could be highly lucrative. A Web Designing Course essentially focuses on how to design and create a website from scratch. A beginner’s course would mainly teach you to use existing tools to create one from templates.

If you have prior knowledge of some programming languages like Java, HTML, or C++, you can enrol in advanced courses. Advanced courses deal with how to create a webpage entirely from scratch. The best part is you will also learn graphic design software like Photoshop, Corel Draw, and Illustrator to bring your vision to life!

3. Database Administrator Course

Data forms the crux of business operations today. Naturally, businesses of all shapes and sizes are readily harvesting data to drive their operations and strategies. This is why most businesses today need a Database Administrator who will categorise, structure, and store their data securely. Apart from this, Database Administrators also monitor system performance and troubleshoot minor errors.

Generally, you do not need any programming or coding literacy to become a Database Administrator. Instead, you simply need to have a logical bend of mind. Think of it as digitally maintaining records. It is estimated that by 2024, the need for Database Administrators will increase by 26%.

4. Software Development Course

At the heart of everything a computer does — lies software development. A Software Developer is generally fluent in coding languages and can develop software for different businesses based on their need. They might need to collaborate with a UI/UX designer to understand the client’s needs.

Usually, Software Developers are expected to have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Information Technology. However, the course relies on the candidate’s knowledge to code and create tools in various languages. You can enrol for the three years online program of Bachelor of Computer Applications offered at upGrad. With this BCA degree, you can get a job as a Software Developer and even a six-month internship opportunity in the field!

5. E-Accounting Course

Remember the days when accountants spend hours pouring over a calculator to make the numbers match? Well, various accounting software and MS-Excel have now made that a thing of the past. While accountants are expected to have a B.Com degree, most companies expect them to perform accounting tasks on a computer.

This is where E-accounting comes in. With a simple diploma course for E-Accounting, you can work as a junior assistant at tax filing companies or join as an accountant. You can also work freelance and offer virtual assistance to multiple companies!

6. Cybersecurity Course

With data being the most pivotal business weapon today, companies must keep their sensitive data safe and secure. Think of an e-commerce store and the vast amount of personal information and card details they hold! This is where cybersecurity enters. A Cybersecurity expert works with companies to ensure that their sensitive data remains secure and encrypted.

You can begin anytime with the Executive PG Programme in Software Development — Specialisation in Cyber Security offered at upGrad. People who have completed a Cybersecurity course can apply for jobs at corporate firms, at the police department, at various IT or software developing companies.

Generally, such experts must have experience with intrusion detection, malware detection, cleaning, and ethical hacking, along with the knowledge of various programming languages. Some of these, like ethical hacking, is a complete course within itself. Larger organisations hire specialists for each of these posts.

7. Data Entry Operation Course

If you are looking for a short computer course that does not require any programming knowledge, you should check out online programs to become a Data Entry Operator. A Data Entry Operator sorts and compiles documents. They keep minutes of meetings, verify transactions, and keep logs of every activity.

Such posts demand proficiency in high-speed typing, good knowledge of popular programming languages, and basic computer knowledge. After completing a Data Entry Operator course, you can apply for jobs at customer service centres, banks, MNCs, insurance firms, and some corporate firms. A good thing about completing such a course is that you will now have complete control over your work hours. You can join a company or work remotely with multiple organisations. Data Entry Operators often work on a contractual or per-project basis.

8. Full-Stack Development Course

If you have a knack for mastering programming languages, then a Full Stack Development course could significantly improve your earning capabilities. A Full Stack Developer is essentially someone who can program both front-end and back-end software. As it is a very vast course, you can further specialise in either of those. A T-shaped model is one where a person accrued general knowledge in all fields. A front-end developer works more on the client software. A back-end developer works more on the business end of the software.

Does this sound like something you might be interested in? You can check out the Executive PG Programme in Software Development Specialisation in Full Stack Development offered by upGrad. As both ends of the field keep progressing every year, a full stack developer will need to be passionate about their field and keep with up the trends. A Full Stack Development course will generally involve mastering over 16 different languages. Hence, one should only opt for this if they are very interested in it.

9. Digital Marketing Course

With pretty much everyone spending a significant portion of their day online — digital marketers are rising to prominence. A single person comes across 6,000 to 10,000 ads in a day. How does a single business stand out against this? The answer is digital marketing. Digital marketing involves using software to figure out customer patterns, activity times, and engagement.

Digital marketers generally work to increase the total amount of traffic to a client’s online domain. A digital marketing course covers SEO and SEM, lead generation, workflow strategising, and running successful marketing campaigns. A Digital Marketing course will make you eligible to apply for such a post at pretty much any corporate around the world. However, you will need to keep up with any new upcoming trend of lead generation.

10. Graphic Designing

Most of the posters that you see today are on digital media. Whether it is a full-page ad after visiting a site or simply a giant billboard as you drive across town — these are all done by a graphic designer. If you are inclined towards arts, you can enrol in a Graphic Designing course to make the most of your skills! Graphic Designing includes both traditional and new media.

Thus you will learn how to make digitally altered imagery using tools like Photoshop and Illustrator. And also how to work with pen and paper. Graphic Designers can also collaborate with UI/UX designers to develop new and existing strategies for mobile and desktop app display.

Although these are only a handful of commendable computer courses available today, they’re definitely worth your time and money. Thanks to such flexible and affordable online programs, you can explore new domains and acquire new skills to transition into a career of your choice.

