Top 10 Online Mba Programs

Nitin G
6 min readApr 14, 2021

What is the role of an online MBA program? What should you expect from your courses?

Today, we’re here to answer these questions!

Suppose you are working in a firm. You lack the confidence to take the lead in a project or find it difficult to interact with your teammates. Therefore, you feel that you lack potential or cannot suggest innovative ideas. MBA programs help you excel in such scenarios.

Without leaving your job or daily routine, you can enrol yourself in the various MBA programs offered online. It could also result in a career change for you! Over 98% of students enrolled in the MBA program at Wharton received full-time employment offers. This blog will help you to discover your path and expectations regarding several programs.

What is an MBA degree?

MBA (Master of Business Administration) is an advanced course in the business world. It teaches students the essence of leadership quality and prepares them for management by developing their leadership quality.

With the evolution of the business world, learning different analytic tools and managing skills has become necessary to upgrade your business. Today, we have moved on from products to services-based industries. Hence, candidates who are well-equipped with management skills are in high demand. Moreover, such candidates can work in almost every sector ranging from healthcare to aviation to education!

Top Online MBA Courses

The online courses provide a great platform to focus on a particular skill that you want to enhance. Also, learning online comes with various benefits like no transportation issue, distance learning, homely comfort, and many more. Besides, you may concentrate on programs that provide you with the best coverage related to your areas of interest.

Here are the top 10 MBA programs offered online:

1. Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales are the most popular MBA program offered online. It mainly deals with various marketing strategies and innovative approaches to enhance your marketing strategy. Business theory is combined with several case studies to enhance the understanding of the program. The prominent features of sales are made simple by introducing you to numerous analytic tools.

MBA-sales and marketing also focus on creating an all-rounder achiever. It introduces you to various subjects, including managerial economics, accountancy, financial marketing, and business development.

2. Entrepreneurship and Leadership

MBA entrepreneurship mainly focuses on how to make you a successful entrepreneur. As the name suggests, this course aims to give candidates a 360-degree view of the business world.

The aspirant of MBA Entrepreneurship is eligible to contest any job vacancy in any organisation or business firm. Any student of another stream can opt for this program to carve a career for themselves in the corporate sector. This course focuses on subjects related to management and research. These subjects are operational research, project and marketing management, managerial economics, and more.

3. Operational Management

Operational management is a broad subject that mainly deals with planning, supervising, and optimising data set to achieve flawless work. It is applicable in industries with field management where optimisation of raw materials, equipment, and delivery of finished goods is needed.

This course trains aspirants to work related to goods and services from external sources. It also manages to teach you how to deal with different people whom you will daily encounter. Briefly, it works for the best interest of the company by dealing with faults. It includes subjects like quantitative techniques and methods, operational strategy, and corporate environment, to name a few.

4. Information Technology

This generation is all about technological advances and has become a key feature in our lives. It has become the most desirable program and asked by most of the companies. In MBA-IT, technological advances convert into professional opportunities by teaching you the essence of technology in managing a business.

This program mainly revolves around the managerial aspects of computer application by providing subjects on analysis and research. It contains the database management system, operational research, software analysis, data mining, computer application and management system, and more.

5.Human Resource Management

Human resource management deals with strategies that improve the quality of output of a firm or private industry. Candidates learn through case studies, research papers, and practical studies.

Although this all depends on human advances, it closely relates to employee welfare. It ensures that the exploitation of employees does not take place. HR managers also ensure the compensation, retention, and reward of the company’s employees.

The subjects offered are accounting and finance for managers, strategic management, methodology of training and development, and business environment and ethics.

6. International Business

While the world is transforming into a big business giant and roads to international business lie ahead, one can always find a great opportunity in it. Besides, if you have a good aptitude related to foreign policies, business, and the skills to achieve it, you become a good choice for this program.

MBA-IB takes the opportunity to groom the candidate with awareness of foreign policies, foreign investments, export management, risk management and makes them ready for international businesses.

This course offers subjects like marketing management, financial accounting, Indian policies and trade Policies, E-business & E-commerce, research methodology, IT for managers, and more.

7. Retail Management

There is a need for candidates who have a good knowledge of retail management. India is the world’s largest consumer, mainly deals with import and exports of goods and services.

This course is recently incorporated in the management studies to strengthen the relationship between the company and the consumer by acknowledging the retailer-consumer relationship. Unlike simple management skills, the program covers the basic idea of improving the sales of the organisation. Besides, it prepares the candidate to deal with the ever-changing retail market.

The subjects included in this program are retail sales and customer service, retail planning, corporate communication, quantitative methods, international retailing, and more.

8. Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management is a course that trains candidates to work in the managing roles at the place with hospitality such as hotels, malls, restaurants, and more. During this course, they teach you how to work with accommodation, food, and beverages, events, tourism, and more.

The aspirants with this course are in demand to recognise the wants and help the customer for them. Also, the program has a wide range of topics to cover, like personality development, principles, and management.

9. Hospital and Healthcare Management

This program helps to build the candidate’s knowledge of the healthcare sector. It trains you for the changing dynamics of a healthcare business. Initially, it focuses on assisting students in building management skills while in later phases mentors you to learn basic healthcare knowledge and skills.

The course provides you with overall guidance by introducing you to various topics, like fundamentals of healthcare administration, healthcare policies & regulations, healthcare legislation, and more.

Hence, the subjects included in this program are disease control management, healthcare legislation, healthcare economics, conflict management, and more.

10. Insurance Management

The insurance management in MBA teaches you how to tackle or prevent loss at any condition. It prepares you to maintain interpersonal relationships and manage risk at various accounts. Risk management is in all MBA courses but, this program gives you perspective and introduces you to the changing policies and standards.

The aspirants of this course are flair with confidence and diligently handle everything that comes across. Therefore, the program offers topics like principles and practice of life insurance, principles and practice of general insurance, risk management, and insurance, and more.

Each of these courses is a two-year-long commitment.


With an MBA program, you have the option to gain world-class knowledge about corporate business administration that will help you to cope up in the real world as a business owner or as an employer. upGrad is one such platform that offers a wide range of industry-standard MBA Courses.

In today’s competitive market, where the youth is actively interested in entering the corporate world, an MBA degree is the best entry pathway for aspirants. These courses are designed to contribute to the overall development of candidates and make them job-ready.

