Top 10 Python Project Ideas For 2021

Nitin G
6 min readApr 12, 2021

Python is an object-oriented high-level programming language that is developer-friendly and easy to understand. Its syntax is simple due to relatable English keywords, making Python programs highly readable, even for beginners.

Must Read: Python Interview Questions

Also, Python can be interpreted well in other languages. The python library is enormous and allows its users to perform several tasks that involve unit testing, regular expressions, web browsers, HTML, XML, etc. This list of functions is continuously increasing as the language is constantly being developed. Companies are always on the lookout for skilled Python programmers who can develop projects of all sizes and scale.

Applications of Python language are wide. Some of them being Graphic user interface based applications, network programming, Games and 3D, Software Development and much more. The best way to master this language is to build real-time projects and not just merely rely on reading the theories. So, below mentioned are some of the cool Python project ideas that you can try to better understand the language and its uses.

1. Calculator

It is a simple project yet effective for beginners. The user needs to create a calculator that performs all the mathematical operations. Math and Tkinter libraries are used for the project. Math library has a series of methods and constants needed to perform mathematical tasks. Tkinter is used for developing a graphical user interface.

The concept used: Using Tkinter, characters required to build a calculator are imported, and an interface is created. An input function is then stated to take inputs from the user to perform operations. Finally, a function has to be designed to perform the task and give the results.

2. Matrix Multiplication

The matrix multiplication project is an excellent way to understand mathematical logic and its use in programming. This project is for displaying the product of the two matrices given by the user. The multiply() function of the NumPy module of Python is used for the multiplication here.

The concept used: The NumPy module is imported. Then two arrays are given as input on which the multiplication needs to be performed. The two arrays are multiplied using the multiply function. The resultant matrix is displayed as the output.

3. Rock Paper Scissors Game

What’s better than learning with the help of games? This is a fun project wherein you can build a simple game and learn in the process. The rock paper scissor game is pretty simple, with minimal rules. What happens in this game is:

  • If you show rock and the second player shows scissors, you win as the rock can defeat scissors.
  • If you show paper and the second player shows rock, you win as the paper covers the rock.
  • If you show scissors and the second player shows paper, you win as the scissors can cut paper.

The aim of this project is to build an interface for a single user so that he/she can play the game with a computer. The project requires Tkinter and random modules.

The concept used: Using the Tkinter module, required graphics and characters are imported to develop an interface for the game. The user is asked to make a choice between rock, paper and scissors. Then the computer makes a random choice using the random module. The winner is decided based on the choice of the user and the computer.

4. Currency Converter

As the name suggests, this project will provide an interface for the user to convert currencies. This program is made using Tkinter and requests modules. The Tkinter module is to create a graphical interface, and the requests module is to get the URL of the exchange rates.

The concept used: First, the required libraries are imported from Tkinter and requests. The input currency value is taken from the user. A UI for the currency converter is created. The input is passed to this UI, and the result is displayed.

5. Hangman game

Hangman is a fun game played between two or more players. It is a guessing game where one player thinks of a word and the other tries to guess it with the help of some given letters. For this project, you need to make use of the Pygame library as it contains various modules that can add interactive features to the game.

The concept used: Import the Pygame library and create an interface for the game. The user has to guess the letters of the word. If the guess is right, the program places them in the correct positions. Then the player gets a few chances to guess the word. If the guessed word matches with the word given for the program, the player wins.

6. Spam Email detection

Detecting unwanted emails and marking them as spam is something that is done using the Machine Learning algorithms like Support Vector Machine and Neural Network. But you can also try building a Python program to do the task.

The concept used: Training and Test data file is downloaded, and the emails are divided into the test file and training file. Using the Naive Bayes algorithm, the emails are checked, and the list of spam emails is displayed.

7. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a project to determine the opinion of a person about a particular topic. It is used to understand if the user has a positive or negative response to the topic. This is an advanced level project done generally using ML algorithms. Similar to spam email detection, here also training and test datasets are used.

The concept used: The data is divided into two categories; training and testing datasets. The Naive Bayes classifier then categorises the sentences into negative and positive. This way, the user’s response is figured out.

7. Face Recognition

The face recognition project aims to identify and recognise the face in an image. Here, you need to use training datasets to make the program familiar with the faces it needs to identify.

The concept used: The libraries required for this project are face-recognition, CMake, NumPy, and OpenCV python. First, some images are given to the program, and it is trained for those images. Then, an image is given as input, and the program tests it and recognises the face if it’s present in the trained data.

8. Chatbots

A chatbot is an application of natural language processing used by various websites to converse with their users. It tries to mimic human languages. For this project, the ChatterBot library of Python is used.

The concept used: ChatterBot library is used to give responses to the user’s inputs using ML algorithms. Also, the library can be used for multiple languages. The user firstly enters an input in the chatbot, and the chatbot generates a response if the data is already known to the bot. The programmer must input some predefined statements and questions to the bot during its development.

9. Object Detection

The project deals with identifying and detecting objects present in images or videos. You can use ImageAI and its dependencies to build this program in Python.

The concept used: The ImageAI library has many customisations and features that can help build this project. In this project, the program first extracts the objects from the image and then detects them using the detectObjectsfromImage function.

So, these were some of the compelling and exciting project ideas that you can try and explore.


Reading books will help to clear your concepts and theories. But to understand the application, there’s no better way than building some real-time projects. Plus, it looks good on your resume!

If you wish to master Python and develop such interesting projects, upGrad offers an online course called Introduction to programming with Python. This course will help you understand the basic syntax of python along with its libraries and their functions. The course aims to clear concepts like classes, structures, inbuilt functions, libraries and everything that you need to know about the language as a beginner.

Python is recently gaining a lot of popularity because of its simple syntax and easy-to-understand keywords. It is also the second most popular language in the world. The language is beginner-friendly and has a ton of features for almost every use case. There is a lot to explore and innovate in this language. Not just that, even various companies demand their employees to have a strong grasp of Python. So, if you wish to scale higher up the promotion ladder, try working on as many Python projects as you can!

This process will not only help you in understanding the language but also it will increase your passion for the field.

